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Friday, October 23, 2009

HypnoSomatic Healing, An Art Beyond Hypnosis

I recently got back from California, where I studied Somatic healing; an amazing method of healing the body from injury, pain and disease. The basis of this type of healing is Hypnotherapy. However, it is on it’s own merit an art beyond hypnosis.

Some may describe it as a type of "Energy Healing" or "Journey Work". Which ever the description may be, the results are always great.

Typically, when people come to me with a chronic pain or any other long-term issue about their health or life, we find that the problem is usually not what the client original thinks it is. Instead the problem resides deeper and might not even directly relate to the symptom(s) being experienced.

HypnoSomatic Healing uses different techniques to access the subconscious and work on a cellular level. While under hypnosis, the patient is taken thru their bodies using imagery and macro-movements. The practitioner guides and assists the client to do his/her own healing while in a trance. This allows healing of every facet the problem may have and allows for a completely recovery.

The duration and quantity of the sessions needed depends on how many facets (levels) the issue may have. Because this technique is so powerful, it usually take only between two or three cessions to cure even the most stubborn ailments. I find that when healing the body, this is one of the faster methods I have studied.

I have had people approach me to work with them on the issues of monetary abundance and the results are also great. Which shows just how versatile this revolutionary process can be.
Monica Dumont,

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Misconceptions about Hypnosis

I mentioned in my previous article that there seams to be many misconceptions about hypnosis, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to address the issue.
Lets take a look at the three most common myths:

1. Making people quack like ducks. People believe that being hypnotized means losing control and awareness of their surroundings when in fact it is the opposite. The individual under hypnosis is more aware and conscious of what is being said and done around them then at any other time. A misconception like this has come about from hypnotist shows which are meant for the pure purpose of entertainment and not for therapeutic purposes. Therefore making people quack like ducks against their will is impossible (Trust me, I have been trying for years on my husband).

2. Being hypnotized is a sign of weak mindedness. I get a lot of people telling me that they cannot be hypnotized because they are strong-minded. While I do not doubt that they are, being hypnotized is something so natural to any healthy individual that only people who are mentally unstable or who are not able to concentrate at all cannot be hypnotized.
3. Getting stuck under hypnosis is a common concern for many. I have had clients asked me "what happens if you get a heart attack or something while I’m hypnotized. Will I be stuck?" I always tell them "well, just open your eyes and dial 911, you will get 10% off your next session for saving my life". You see, hypnosis is a very safe and unobtrusive type of therapy, the client can at any time terminate the session, talk, blink, cough, sneeze etc. The person under hypnosis always holds complete control.
Monica Dumont